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1. Identification

GRUPO SANTANDER’S official website, which includes both BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. and its subsidiaries.

This website is property of Banco Santander S.A. (hereinafter “Grupo Santander”), a financial institution registered with the Bank of Spain (Banco de España) under number 0049, with registered offices at Paseo de Pereda 9-12 Santander, and Tax Identification Number A-39000013

2. Purpose and scope of application

The Website is owned and managed by Banco Santander, S.A. that serves as a general information site.

The current Terms regulate the access, browsing and use of the Website, notwithstanding Our right to modify its presentation, settings and content, as well as the terms required for the mere access and/or use of the Website. They shall be in effect from the time of their publication until their full or partial modification. From then on, the modified Terms will come into force.

In this sense, on occasion, particularly when necessary for technical reasons or business continuity, We may make changes to these Terms. The access and/or use of the Website after these changes have been applied and/or published imply Your acceptance of the same.

In any case, certain contents and/or services are subject to their own specific conditions, and may only be available if You have expressly entered into the relevant agreement with Us for the provision of those services or the availability of those contents. The specific conditions of those contents and/or services may replace, complete or, if necessary, modify these Terms as relevant and only as to Your use of such contents and/or services.

3. Contents

Grupo Santander has obtained the information and materials included on the Website from sources considered to be reliable. Nevertheless, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, Grupo Santander does not guarantee that it is exact, complete, or up-to-date, and therefore should not be relied upon as if it were. Grupo Santander expressly denies all responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained on the pages of this Website.

Grupo Santander reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or restrict the content of the Website, as well as the links or the information obtained through them, without prior notice.

Under no circumstances will Grupo Santander, its branches and/or directors, employees and authorised staff assume liability for any type of damage, loss, claim, or cost of any kind, whether resulting from the use of the Website, the information acquired or accessed by or through it, computer viruses, operating faults or interruptions in service or transmission, or faults on the line; use of the Website, either by direct connection, link, or other means, constitutes a warning to any user that these eventualities may occur.

It is prohibited to transmit or send any illegal or illicit content, computer viruses, or messages through the Website that generally affect or infringe upon the rights of Grupo Santander or other third-parties.

Grupo Santander accepts no responsibility for external websites that can be accessed through links or any content provided by third-parties. Any use of a link or access to an external website is undertaken at the will and exclusive risk of the user. Grupo Santander does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained by or through a link, nor does it accept liability for any loss, claim, or damage derived from the use or misuse of a link, or from the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, from interruptions in service or access, or from attempts to use or misuse a link, either when accessing the Website, or when accessing information on other websites from the Website.

Occasionally, this Website uses Cookies, small data files created in the user's computer that provide the following information:

• Date and time of the user’s last visit to the Website.

• Content design selected by the user on his/her first visit to the Website.

• Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.

The user has the option of preventing the creation of Cookies by selecting the corresponding option in his/her browser; however, disabling this function may prevent the site from working properly.

4. Industrial and intellectual property rights

This Website is property of BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. All intellectual property rights, namely, use, reproduction of this Web, its pages, screens and the information contained therein, their appearance, structure and design, source code, audio files and software, as well as, the hyperlinks from the latter to our Websites of any company belonging to Grupo Santander are the exclusive property of Grupo Santander or have been assigned, or under license granted to the Bank or the affiliates of Grupo Santander, unless otherwise specified.

All names, designs and/or logos included on this Website are duly registered trademarks. Any unauthorized use thereof by a person, other than their legitimate owner may be prosecuted in accordance with current law.

The Copyrights and trademark rights of third parties are clearly identified and must be respected by anyone accessing this Website. The content may be downloaded, copied or printed for personal and private use only. It is prohibited to reproduce, publicly communicate, distribute, assign or transmit, amend or delete the information, content, or notices contained in this Website without the prior written consent of Banco Santander, S.A.

5. Financial and stock market information

This Website provides no type of investment recommendation or legal, tax or other advice, and nothing included therein should be interpreted as a basis for investment or decision-making. The contents of this Website are for informational purposes only and should under no circumstances be used or considered as an offer of sale, request for an offer of sale, or recommendation to conduct any other transaction except where expressly indicated. Any purchase decision on the part of the recipient should be adopted according to the existing public information of the security and, as appropriate, in line with the prospectus registered with the CNMV (, and available from the CNMV as well as from the governing body of the corresponding market or the issuing company

6. Hyperlinking


In the event that the Website displays hyperlinks to other websites by means of buttons, links, banners or embedded content, We inform you that, unless otherwise specified, these are managed and under the control of the relevant third parties. We have no control or means, whether technical or human, to monitor, control or approve the information, contents, products or services provided by other websites that may be linked to from the Website.

Consequently, We cannot be held liable for any aspect of the linked website, including, but not limited to, its performance, access, data, information, quality, reliability of products and services, any links available in the website and/or any of its contents in general.

In this respect, if You have factual knowledge that third parties are engaging in illegal or immoral activities through any of these websites, you should immediately notify Us in order to remove the relevant hyperlink from the Website.

In any case, the establishment of any kind of hyperlink in the Website to another website does not imply any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between Us and the owners of the third party website.



We do not allow linking to the Website from websites that include content or information that is in any way illicit, illegal, degrading or obscene, or that in general contravene the law, morality public order or generally accepted social standards.

We have no control nor human or technical resources to access or approve the information, contents, products and services provided by other websites that may establish links to our Website. We shall not be liable for any aspect related to the website that contains the link, including, but not limited to, aspects relating to its operation, access, data, information, reliance and quality of its products and/or services, its own links and/or any of its contents in general. The existence of any links to our Website does not imply any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between Us and the owners of the third party website.

7. Use of the website

It is expressly forbidden to use or access the Website for illegal or non-authorised purposes. In particular, the following actions are not allowed:

1) Use of the Website in any manner that may cause damages, interruptions, inefficiencies or defective functioning of the Website or the device of a third party;

2) Use of the Website for the transmission, installation, or publication of any virus, malicious code, or any other harmful file;

3) Use of the Website for the collection of personal data;

4) Use of the Website in any unlawful manner or in a manner which promotes or encourages illegal activity;

5) The unauthorized access to any section of the Website, to any systems or networks connected to the Website, or to any the server used by Us or Our provider/s, as well as access to the products and/or services offered through the Website through piracy or hacking, password mining or any other illegitimate means;

6) The breach or the attempt to breach the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network that is connected to the Website, as well as the security or authentication measures associated to the content that is hosted in the Website;

7) Performing an action that may cause an unnecessary or disproportionate load on the Website, or which may damage, disable or overburden its infrastructure, or the systems and networks used by Us or Our provider/s, as well as the systems and networks connected to the Website;

8) Carrying out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the facilities of the Website or in the systems or networks used by Us or Our provider/s, as well as in the systems and networks connected to the Website; or

Failure to comply with any of the aforementioned obligations may entail the application of any measures that We may deem necessary or merely convenient, without the obligation to compensate You for any damages which may arise as a result.

We expressly reserve the right to suspend, block, modify, restrict, or temporarily or permanently interrupt Your access, navigation and/or use of the Website, with or without prior notice, if We notice that You are infringing any of the provisions detailed in the Terms or any other applicable terms.

8. Representations and warranties

We cannot warrant the reliability, usefulness and veracity of all the information, services and/or content available on the Website, nor the usefulness or veracity of the documentation provided therein. As a consequence, We cannot warrant and shall not be liable for:

1) The continuity of the contents and services available on the Website;

2) The absence of errors on the Website and/or services;

3) The absence of virus and/or any other damaging components in the Website or the server providing the Website;

4) The invulnerability of the Website or the security measures adopted;

5) The lack of usefulness or the malfunction of any of the contents of the Website;

6) The damages or losses caused by any person who violates the Terms, whether caused to themselves or to third parties.

Particularly, We shall not be liable for, but not limited to, the circumstances listed below, nor the damages that may entail:

1) Delays, erasure, erroneous delivery or failure to save communications from You or personal configurations of the Website;

2) Decisions taken by You as a result of information provided through the Website, nor any damages caused to You or third parties as a consequence of actions taken based solely on information contained in the Website;

3) We reserve the right to deny access to a particular service for any reason and/or to interrupt the service, whether in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice;

4) Use of the Website is subject to all applicable laws and regulations, and You shall be solely liable for the content of your communications sent via the Website;

5) Access to the Website does not imply any obligation by Us to control the absence of virus or any other damaging component. It is Your responsibility, in any case, to equip your systems and devices with appropriate tools to detect and disinfect such damaging components.

6) We shall not be liable for damages caused to Your equipment or that of third parties during Your use of the Website;

7) We do not warrant nor shall be liable for damages of any nature that may arise from the access or use of the contents of the Website.

Additionally, We shall not be liable for:

1) Possible security errors or breaches that may be caused as a consequence of Your access to the Website using an infected device;

2) Use by third parties of elements owned by Us that may be deceptive as to such third parties’ identification;

3) Intellectual property infringements by third parties;

4) Third party breaches that may affect You and other users of the Website, and any other websites and/or systems operated by Us;

5) Failures in the functioning of the Website or of any of its services as a result of circumstances beyond our reasonable control;

6) Consequences arising from a defective functioning of Your web browser or the use of outdated versions of the same;

7) The existence of viruses or damaging or malicious programs in the contents;

8) The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use of the Website or its contents or services by its users, or any use that is contrary to the Terms, good faith and public order;

9) Damages of any kind caused to You as a result of failures or disconnections of telecommunications networks or any other electronic systems that cause a suspension, cancellation or interruption of the services and/or which affect the availability of the Website, at any time.

Notwithstanding the above, We have adopted all necessary measures, within our possibilities and state-of-the-art, to warrant the functioning of the Website and to reduce system failures to a minimum, both from a technical perspective and the contents published on the Website.

We cannot warrant the reliability, lawfulness and usefulness of the contents provided by third parties through the Website. If You become aware of the existence of any content that is illegal, unlawful or which infringes third party rights, please notify Us immediately so that appropriate measures can be taken.

We shall not be liable for the veracity, integrity or out of date characteristics of the information published on the Website from sources other than Us. This also applies to information contained in other websites or websites that are linked to from the Website. We shall not be liable for any damages that could be caused by the use of said information.

We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these Terms if the delay or failure arises from any cause that is beyond our reasonable control, such as: force majeure, problems when accessing the Internet, technological problems beyond Our diligent and reasonable management, actions or omissions of third parties, amongst others. In all of the aforementioned cases, which are beyond our control and due diligence, there will be no compensation for You for damages or losses, to the extent permitted by current legislations.

9. Confidentiality and data protection

This website is for information purposes only, and no personal data are collected herein. If personal data are requested on a microsite of this website for a specific purpose and/or service, the data subject shall also be informed about all elements required by the applicable data protection regulations when the data are collected.

10. Miscellaneous

The headings contained herein are merely informative and do not affect, qualify or encourage interpretation of the Terms. We may modify terms and conditions established herein, in whole or in part. The changes will be published on the Website similarly to how the Terms are made available.

If You breach these Terms, We may suspend or restrict your use of the Website, and may even cancel Your assigned user automatically and without prior notice, and such actions shall not entitle You to any kind of compensation. We may inform and collaborate with the competent authorities if we detect any infringement of applicable law or if We suspect that You are committing any criminal offence.

Similarly, in the event that you breach these Terms and we take no action against You, We will not be considered to have waived our rights in respect of Your breach and we shall still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where You breach the Terms.

Specific products and/or services available on the Website may be acquired by You individually, and shall be governed by their own terms and conditions, as available.

If any of the Terms is disallowed or found to be ineffective by a competent court or regulator, such ineffectiveness shall not affect the remaining provisions, which shall continue to apply.

11. Governing law and jurisdiction

This Website, including Your use of the same, and particularly these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to and interpreted and enforced in accordance with Spanish law.

For all disputes, actions or claims that may arise regarding the interpretation and application of these Terms, You and We agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Madrid (Spain), with express and voluntary waiver to any other jurisdiction.

12. Investment recommendations disclosure

Important Information

A list of all the recommendations on any financial instrument during the preceding 12-month period is available upon request free of charge.

This material has been prepared by personnel in the Sales and/or Trading teams of Banco Santander, S.A. and is not a product of Santander’s Research unit. It is an investment recommendation only for the purposes of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (”MAR”) (the “Investment Recommendation”), and has been prepared pursuant to Santander policies, procedures and internal rules of conduct for managing conflicts of interest including information barriers and, where appropriate, establishing specific restrictions on sales and trading activity. Information concerning the management of conflicts of interest are available on request.

Unless otherwise specifically stated, the views or opinions expressed in this investment recommendation accurately reflect the views of the undersigned author(s) of this Investment Recommendation and/or the specific Sales and/or Trading team from which it originates and may differ from the views or opinions expressed by other areas of Santander, including the Research Department. Where the original communication which formed the basis of this Investment Recommendation has been altered it will be indicated as such. In addition, the undersigned author(s) and/or disseminator(s) may have received or will receive compensation based upon, among other factors, the overall profitability of the Santander group, including profits derived from investment banking activities.

This Investment Recommendation is intended for dissemination to market professionals (eligible counterparties and professional clients), but not retail clients. This information is provided on a confidential basis and may not be reproduced, redistributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, without Santander’s consent. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.

This material contains an independent explanation of the matters contained within and must not be relied upon as investment, tax, legal, accounting, regulatory or other advice or as creating a fiduciary relationship. It does not take into account whether an investment, course of action, or associated risks are suitable for the recipient. This material is not intended to provide personal investment advice and it does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this investment recommendation. Recipients should seek independent professional financial advice regarding the legal, financial, tax and regulatory consequences of any transaction as well as the suitability and/or appropriateness of making an investment or implementing any investment strategies discussed in this document and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realised. Investors should note that income, if any, from investments, may fluctuate and that the value of such investments may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than they originally invested. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Santander does not accept any liability whatsoever (including in negligence) for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of or reliance on this material. Please note the publication date of this material. It may contain specific information that is no longer current and should not be used to make an investment decision. Unless otherwise indicated, there is no intention to update this material.

Any opinions expressed are based on information available from public sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made that such information is accurate, complete or up to date and it should not be relied upon as such. Furthermore, this Investment Recommendation does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities, financial instruments or other investment. The basis of methodology and valuation (where used) can be made available upon request.

In relation to the identification of conflicts as required under the MAR investment recommendation requirements, the natural person(s) involved in the production of the recommendation will specifically identify and disclose all conflicts that are known or reasonably expected to be known to relate to them. Santander Sales and Trading personnel may hold securities in the entities discussed in this Investment Recommendation. Pursuant to Santander’s Compliance Policies, all relevant personal account transactions require the prior written approval of Santander’s Compliance team.

Santander may have a net long or short financial interest in excess of 0.5% of the total issued share capital of the entities mentioned in this Investment Recommendation. Information relating to this is available upon request.

The entities mentioned in this Investment Recommendation may have a net long interest in excess of 5% of the total issued share capital of Santander. Information relating to this is available upon request.

Santander is not party to any agreement relating to the production of this Investment Recommendation with any entities mentioned in this Investment Recommendation.

Santander may act as a market maker, as a liquidity provider, act as principal or agent, buy, sell, lend or borrow securities of the entities mentioned in this investment recommendation or derivatives thereon. Santander may have a financial interest in the entities mentioned in this investment recommendation, including a long or short position in their securities and/or options, futures or other derivative instruments based thereon, or vice versa. Information relating to this is available upon request.

Santander may, in the last twelve months, have been lead or co-lead manager, have solicited or performed investment banking and/or underwriting activities and/or other services (including acting as adviser, manager, or lender) for any entity referred to in this investment recommendation and all other activities as set out in Section A and B of Annex I or Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council which may have given rise to a payment or promise of a payment in relation to these services. Information relating to this is available upon request.

© 2018 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. All rights reserved.